Buckland Road Carriageway Maintenance Notification
Cliffe and Cliffe Woods Parish Council
Please find below the notification provided following the numerous reports from both the parish council and members of the public regarding the issues with the road surface of Buckland Road, with attached image of the diversion plan
From Medway Council and Volker Highways
Buckland Road Carriageway Maintenence
As part of Medway Councils commitment to maintaining and improving the Highway Network, we are planning to undertake essential carriageway maintenance work. For further details of the Council’s Annual Highway Improvement Programme visit www.medway.gov.uk/resurfacing
Where and when will the works take place?
Buckland Road – junction with Salt Lane, Cliffe
Our Streetworks team have agreed that the safest and most appropriate time to complete this work is nighttime, therefore, work is programmed to start on Friday 21st February 2025, between 8pm and 6am.
Dates are subject to change if poor weather conditions or other difficulties are encountered and information boards on site will be updated should any changes occur.
How will it affect you?
To undertake the work, a full road closure is required, and a diversion route will be in place. Please refer to the diversion plan overleaf and follow signs posted around the site during the works. For businesses and residents located within the closure, a diversion is not possible. In this instance, all entrances/exits to the work site will be manned by traffic management operatives, who will assist residents through the works when it is safe to do so. We advise allowing extra time for journeys; however, access will be maintained as much as possible.
Please be assured, access will always be given to emergency services coming in and out of the area, should this be required.
On-street parking will be suspended for the duration of the works and if necessary, vehicle lifting equipment will be used to ensure road space is available. Please ensure any obstructions are removed from the highway including vehicles, skips and trailers.
Resurfacing works are noisy and higher levels of noise are expected during these works. The council apologises in advance for any inconvenience this may cause whilst these essential works are completed.
Need to contact us?
If you have any queries, in the first instance please speak to our workforce on site. Alternatively, email highwayops@medway.gov.uk, visit www.medway.gov.uk/YourFeedback
Additional copies of this letter are available at www.medway.gov.uk/resurfacing To request this information in other formats and languages, please contact Customer & Business Support on 01634 333333 (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm)
Find Cliffe and Cliffe Woods Parish Council
Cliffe Woods, Rochester, Kent