There are a number of Parish Council committees that meet to discuss various areas of the council’s business. They would normally make recommendations to the Parish Council meetings where appropriate :
Cliffe Village Fayre Advisory Committee
Joan Darwell, Gill Moore
Representatives on Outside Bodies
Representing the Parish
Medway Council Rural Liaison Committee
Phillip Stanley (substitute Jerry Doyle)
KALC and Medway Area Committee
Sue McDermid, Fred Harper
Police Liaison
Jerry Doyle (substitute Phillip Stanley)
Cliffe Memorial Hall Liaison
Lynne Bush, Faith Eyers
Cliffe Woods Community Association Liaison
Vivienne Walton
Sue McDermid,, Sandra Fenney & Chris Fribbins are also Management Trustees
Cliffe Parochial Charity (non-councillors can also be appointed)
Lynne Bush, non councillors (Ken Kentell, Chris Fribbins)
Footpaths and Common Land
Joan Darwell, Gill Moore, Fred Harper
Look at all planning applications in the Parish area and any others that might affect the area. Also general Planning and development control issues such as Local and Strategic Planning
Chair Fred Harper
Jim Wenban, Lynne Bush, Joan Darwell Gill Moore,
Fred Harper, Derek Graves, Ron Naughton-Dean
The Chair is ex-officio, the Clerk(PO) advises the committee
Ray Letheren, Peter Clements, Faith Eyers
Brett’s Liaison Group
Lynne Bush, Jim Wenban, Sue McDermid,
Joan Darwell, Ian Petrie (Chris Fribbins, non councillor)
Patient Participation Forums
Cliffe - Lynne Bush, Faith Eyers
Cliffe Woods - Sue McDermid, Jerry Doyle, Sandra Fenney
Cliffe and Cliffe Woods Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
from Parish Council
Chris Fribbins (non councillor), Gill Moore, Joan Darwell, Fred Harper, Lynne Bush, Sue McDermid
Finance & General Purposes
Keep an eye on the Parish financial affairs and advise on spending, including grants
Chair Sandra Fenney
Vice Chair vacant
Jim Wenban, Sue McDermid Ian Petrie,
Ron Naughton-Dean
The Chair -is ex-officio and normally attends
The Clerk (RFO) and Clerk (PO) both attend
Youth Liaison
Laise with Cliffe and Cliffe Woods Youth
Sue McDermid, Vivienne Walton, Phillip Stanley
(non councillors Chris Fribbins, Iain Walton, Janet Taylor, aura Farrelly, Charlie Gardener
Parish Clerk
Mr Chris Fribbins
Clerk Email
Parish Phone
(01634) 566166
Parish Council Address
42 Quickrells Avenue
Sue McDermid
Lynne Bush
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