Parish Council
At the July 2012 Meeting, the Parish Council adopted a new code of conduct for councillors (modelled closely on the National Association of Local Government Councils model). Councillors also completed new Declaration of Personal Interest forms introduced by Government Regulations. The completed forms have been sent to Medway Council and are also stored on this web site.
Councillors agree to abide by the National Code of Conduct in their role. Click here for the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct.
Following the installation of CCTV cameras covering the recreation ground, play areas, allotments and small hall car park
by the Parish Council, a code of conduct has been agreed to cover its operation
for details on how to book the Cliffe Memorial Hall or Cliffe Woods Community Centre
Under the Freedom of Information Act we have also added our Publication Scheme as required by the act. It contains details about the Parish, how it operates and how to request information.
Councillors also agree to abide by the National Code of Conduct in their role and adopted the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct.
The Parish area borders on the River Thames to the north and west, Higham and Wainscott to the south; Chattenden, Cooling and High Halstow to the east. It is part of the unitary authority of Medway in North Kent.
The Parish Council is elected every four years (the last was in May 2023, the next in May 2027). Up to eight councillors are elected for Cliffe Village ward and eight from the Cliffe Woods ward. If there are vacancies and no nominations, the parish can co-opt additional councillors to make up the numbers.
The full Parish Council meets in public on most second Thursdays of the month, alternately in Cliffe Memorial Hall (Small Hall) and Cliffe Woods Emmanuel Centre - see meetings for details.
A number of committees take on some of the work between meetings - see Committees. Parish Council Minutes and Agendas are also available on this site.
The parish council welcomes grant applications from organisations and groups that provide facilities for residents of the Parish - see Grants Policy and Grant Application Form.
The Parish keep in contact with residents via the Cliffe Clarion (currently limited), current and past editions are stored here and regular information through the local edition of Village Voices
Let us know what you would like to see on this site and we will see what can be done.
The Parish is paid for by a local precept which is added to the Council Tax. This amounts to £60,552 (2020/2021) which works out at as an average of about £30 per year, < 58p per week